Anzania will offer a journey into the greatest story of our time:
how to
restore our relationship with the planet.

Anzania is transforming a depleted quarry near Nairobi into an Eco Park. 
Complete with an interactive children's museum, botanical gardens, art installations, and natural playgrounds, we invite visitors to re-imagine our relationship with the planet.
Anzania aims to become a must-see destination for Kenya that nurtures a connection with nature.


A place for young

to discover and embrace




As a Eco Park with a Natural Future Museum, we are dedicated to the understanding, appreciation, and protection of nature.


As an “eco experience park”, we will redefine the cultural landscape of Kenya with a vision and mission to appeal to audiences of today and tomorrow. Anzania aims to become a must-see attraction for Kenyans and tourists alike.


Art and culture reflect society and play a vital role in sculpting it, shaping narratives and norms. Anzania will help define new stories and craft narratives.


Through play-based educational experiences, we strive to shift the way we perceive and interact with our environment. We promote agency by inspiring children & youth to believe in their change-making ability .

Anzania tells a story of hope, possibility and interconnectivity.

Anzania is not simply positioned in nature, but rather nature is part of our design scheme. We weave ourselves between the elements, reflecting in our architectural language how we are interconnected to our environment.

At Anzania we do everything consciously and with purpose. Sustainability is ingrained into every fiber of our existence.

We envision a


where children

lead us to
