all About us

Who Are We.
What Are We.

Anzania is a groundbreaking initiative unlike any other. We're transforming a 60-acre, lifeless and barren quarry near Nairobi into a vibrant Eco Park. The restoration project will not only serve as a learning space for young people but also become a powerful symbol of ecological restoration from a previously dilapidated environment as a result of human exploitation.

Anzania is not just a physical space; it is a platform for storytelling, shifting narratives, and changing prevailing stories. We firmly believe in the power of play and culture to inspire and engage.

Our vision

We Envision a world where children emerge as agents of change, leading the way in shaping a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

Our mission

Our core mission revolves around reconnecting young people with the natural world through immersive play and learning experiences.

Anzania understands that the key to engaging children in environmentalism is making it fun. Our goal is to  offer a vibrant mix of educational activities and recreational experiences in the form of  in the form of  Interactive exhibits, botanical gardens, art installations, and playgrounds that will that will create a fun environment for children to play, explore and reconnect to nature. With this approach we aim to nurture a lifelong connection with nature and inspire a new generation of environmental stewards.

Our values

Leveraging WONDERMENT & CURIOSITY to ignite a “desire to understand”, Using REAL & RELEVANT stories to simplify abstract and complex concepts like climate change, Our INCLUSIVE & CONNECTIVE dialogues, Open doors for profound connection with our visitors and In Our ENTREPRENEURIAL & INNOVATIVE spirit, we play a key role in modernizing Kenya’s cultural and educational landscape.


Kenya is on the forefront of the global triple environmental crisis; climate, pollution and loss of biodiversity.

There is a growing consensus that the youth voice must be included in planetary stakeholder debates and that children and young people should be involved in shaping the climate agenda.


Of the Kenyan population
is under 14 years old


Kenya is the 28th-most-populous country in the world and 7th most populous in Africa

152 of 181

Kenya is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and ranked 152 out of 181 countries. The more vulnerable a country is, the lower their score. 2019 ND-GAIN Index.

We believe

That everyone has a role to play in creating a better future, including children.

We IMagine

A harmonious coexistence between humanity and our natural world.

When can you visit?

We are currently actively fundraising for the creation of our Eco Park.
We hope to start restoration of the land in 2024 and after our fundraise, start construction of our facilities soon after.