Sustainability & Impact

At Anzania we do everything consciously and with purpose. Sustainability is ingrained into every fibre of our existence. We look through a sustainability lens for all our decisions and actions. From how we use the land, and the materials we build with, to the environmental impact of our ticketing system, our vendor selection as well as our waste management methods.

Sustainability Strategy

At Anzania, we strive to lead by example and we are committed to adopting a culture of sustainability in all aspects of our operations. We demonstrate this commitment by integrating sustainability into all our actions and decisions. Whether through significant initiatives or small, everyday choices, Anzania conveys a message to our visitors that each action plays a crucial role in creating a healthier and cleaner world for all.

Anzania means that our journey begins with purpose, and the destination is a sustainable and harmonious tomorrow.

The following guiding principles guide our commitment to ensure that all our actions are ecologically sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable:

  • Reduced environmental footprint and circularity are part of our every consideration for all Anzania’s site, programmes and projects

  • We are dedicated to nature preservation and boosting biodiversity

  • Anzania will serve as an eco-hub fostering innovation and knowledge exchange

  • We champion unique Kenyan perspectives and try incorporate local knowledge into our gardens and programs a.

  • Anzania is a place of inspiration and possibilities: everyone can be a changemaker

  • Local and sustainable sourcing is at the heart of our procurement.

Social & Environmental Impact

Our sustainability strategy is divided into three sustainability related focus areas, each containing distinctive environmental- and social impact targets.

The focus areas of our sustainability strategy are to operate sustainably, be Inclusive and empowering, and contribute towards System Change.

Operate sustainably

Anzania’s ambition is to become Kenya’s first eco-positive leisure venue. This entails that our site, buildings, location and activities promote sustainability and nurture a connection between visitors and nature. To achieve this, our focus is on a number of key topics: restoration of degraded land and local biodiversity, eco-friendly design and material usage, powering the museum’s operations with self-sustaining sources of energy, sustainable sourcing, and implementing waste management strategies across all Anzania’s programs and activities.

By engaging in transparent dialogues and inclusive public discourse on our common concerns, we show how leisure and culture can also be a catalyst for change. We do that by promoting participatory learning, designing the Eco Park to be inclusive and accessible, encouraging community engagement and actively engaging with our stakeholders.

We aim to inspire, educate and engage with visitors and encourage their role as environmental stewards.

Inclusive & Empowering

Systems change

At Anzania we embody our sustainability strategy from the onset and throughout. We do this as we are driven by a long-term perspective on our impact, as well as for the benefit of future generations.
By contributing to a culture of sustainability and integrating environmental, social, and governance priorities into all aspects of our operations, Anzania strives to be a role model to our visitors and the community.

Our Commitment To The SDG’S